For Owners and Property Managers

Welcome to Serentio! If you own or manage a property, you can add it to our program so that employees can book it through our employee experience program. Here are just a few of the benefits that you can expect when you make your property available on Serentio:

  • Lower or no booking fees:
    Our program allows you to save on traditional booking fees, making it more cost-effective for you to rent out your property.
  • High-quality tenants:
    Our program is only available to employees of participating companies, so you can expect to rent to reliable and respectful tenants.
  • Predictable minimum stays:
    With our program, you can expect minimum stays of at least one week, giving you more predictable and consistent income from your property.

If you're interested in making your property available for booking on Serentio, we'd love to hear from you!

Contact us to learn more

For Investors

Welcome to Serentio! If you're an investor looking to purchase a property, consider choosing a property that is available for booking through our employee experience program. Here are just a few of the benefits of choosing a Serentio feature property:

  • Increased rental income:
    By making your property available for booking through our program, you can expect to receive consistent and predictable rental income from high-quality tenants.
  • Lower costs:
    Our program allows you to save on traditional booking fees, making it more cost-effective for you to rent out your property.
  • Increased property value:
    As the demand for workcations and other types of sponsored travel increases, properties that are available for booking through our program may become more valuable.

If you're interested in purchasing a Serentio feature property, we'd love to hear from you!

Contact us to learn more

Ready to get started?Join our pilot program.

Fill out our short form below and we'll reach out about joining our pilot program.